lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

Oops... Oracle compra Sun!

Después de rumores de que IBM compraría Sun Microsystem hoy esta última anuncia que será comprada por Oracle. Es difícil no preguntarse por la continuidad de proyectos Open Source como Java, OpenOffice, OpenSolaris y sobre todo MySQL, que de hecho es una alternativa de base de datos Open Source.

Edito para colocar la respuesta que me dió Mark Shuttleworth (Líder del proyecto Ubuntu) en su sesión de preguntas y respuestas del Ubuntu Open Week.

(10:46:34) jcastro: QUESTION: (ronaldh) Mark, How do you see the Oracle-Sun deal, do you think it is going to affect Open source projects like Java, OpenOffice, etc? Is it going to affect in some way ubuntu?
(10:46:48) sabdfl: it will definitely affect them, but it's too soon to know for sure how
(10:47:07) sabdfl: we'll have to see whether Oracle makes any big initial moves (selling off or shutting down any projects)
(10:47:19) sabdfl: then we'll need to see if the people who were engaged there are changed
(10:47:25) sabdfl: and then we'll need to see how the dust settles
(10:47:35) sabdfl: that will take three months, a year, three years respectively
(10:47:47) sabdfl: the code is still free software, that cannot be taken back

(10:48:01) sabdfl: if you're passionate about those projects the best thing to do is to participate, imo
(10:48:13) sabdfl: i'm not worried about any of those

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